Featured Products
My Bee Supply is your Central Ohio Bee Supply Store carrying everything from Bees, Hive Equipment to Honey. Serving beekeepers in the Knox, Morrow, Licking, Delaware, Coshocton and other Ohio Counties. Also, surrounding states (Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia and Tennessee). We carry a complete line of Beekeeping Equipment from Complete Hives to all parts in between. We pride ourselves on carrying not necessarily everything you want but everything you need. Most of the woodenware you will find on this site is manufactured from our designs right here in Ohio. You will see a difference in design but are standard Langstroth sizes.
My Bee Supply is the home of the Original Hive Topper. The Hive Topper is designed to allow ventilation in the hot summer months and insulation in the cold Ohio winters. Here you will find a collection of the products I use and have found to be the best. You won't find a lot of products here; however you can be assured they are of the highest quality. The Hive Topper was the first product I had manufactured in Ohio.
In the spring we are your source for package bees and queens. Also, find your quality NUCs here from Mid-April to July.
We also sell honey in 50# buckets and by the jar. Check us out at the Local Farmer’s Market and a few local stores in Mt Vernon and Galena. Honey Bee Acres is our apiary and is located right here on the farm in Mt Vernon, OH. We also stock various size glass Honey jars, check out our honey harvesting section for more information and pricing
More information at: www.thehivetopper.com
New Payment Policy. We are changing our Online and Credit Card payment policy. You will see a 3% fee added to all transactions online. If you want to save money, you can order online and choose the COD (pickup) option in the online shopping cart, pay by Check or Cash when you pick up your order and no fee will be assessed. Also all Credit Card transaction in person will now have a 3% fee added to the order.

My Bee Supply Contact:
We are a local supply company and do not ship.
13600 Old Mansfield Rd.
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Office/cell: 740-760-0300
Independent BetterBee Dealer, if you do not see something on our site let us know and we can order it for you.
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Independent Betterbee Distributor
If you do not see it in our shop let us know and we can order it for you.